Aljaz Pengov Bitenc – Page 2 – Curling Luxembourg

Team Lëtzebuerg Wins Beneleux Championship

Team Lëtzebuerg at the Belenux Curling Championship

With 9 wins, 4 draws and 3 defeats Team Lëtzebuerg won the Benelux Curling Cup in the Netherlands over the weekend.

Luxembourg sent two five-member crews to the competition and with 33 points finished ahead of opponents Belgium (21 points) and the Netherlands (18 points),

The second edition of the Benelux Curling Cup took place in Zoetermeer in the Netherlands on 9 and 10 October 2021. The first edition took place in Zemst (Belgium) in October 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic and was won by the Belgian hosts.

Each country played with four teams. Two teams of four and two doubles teams. Each team played four games, meaning each country played sixteen games, accumulating points in the process .

Luxembourg teams were composed as follows:

Team 1: Volker Beba, Alex Benoy, Barry Foulds, Philippe Giltaire and Lukas Jirousek;

Team 2: Jean Champagne, Dan Kelly, Ealya Kaleghi, Claude Schweitzer and Karen Wauters.

Next up for Curling Luxembourg is the annual Coupe de Luxembourg, taking place at Kockelscheuer on 6 and 7 November 2021.

Curling to be featured in 2021 COSL Spillfest

The 2021 Spillfest, a sports showcase organised by Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois, will feature curling in the coming days.

The traditional sporting event which usually brings together countless sportspeople, fans and families is being held online this year on the account of the pandemic. This has resulted in a modified dynamic of the event which is no longer held over the course of a weekend but over an entire month, ending on 21 June.

Curling will be featured on 26 May on Spillfest website. Be on the lookout for the video showcasing how much fun curling is. Follow hints in the video and make your own curling competition.

If you decide participate, you and your family are welcome to share some photos both on the official Spillfest site and on our Facebook page.

Guidelines to Safe Play

Dear Fellow Curlers,

The Kockelscheuer ice arena has issued COVID 19 guidelines.  We have incorporated their requirements into our 10 Guidelines to Safe Play (see below or download here).

Please ensure that you have read the guidelines prior to attending your first curling session.

In addition, in order to track participation and presence you must register using. A separate link will be sent for each month, so check your mail regularly.

The introduction to the DOODLE registration includes a Declaration of Compliance.  It effectively states that you do not have any COVID 19 symptoms and have not knowingly been in contact with anyone with symptoms.  It also requires that you have read and acknowledge the 10 Guidelines to Safe Play, Code of Conduct and Playing Etiquette. Please read and ensure that you comply.

As requested by Kockelscheuer management we will be appointing COVID 19 compliance officers to ensure our club adheres to the special regulations for this unusual time. 

Lastly, as with every season, our sport is governed by our Code of Conduct and Players Etiquette

10 Guidelines to Safe Play

1. Instead of a handshake, give a friendly wave or tap brooms.

2. Sliders and brooms (if not personal) must be disinfected before each use. It is recommended to use your own broom and to not store it at the arena.

3. Stones must be sanitised before each game.

4. Players should not touch any stones other than their own.

5. Stones should be lined up in single file at the beginning of each end.

6. Players all have fixed positions on the same side of the ice (see diagram)

a) Non delivering team – next player to deliver stands at the hog line and the other players stand mid-way down the sheet on the same side.

b) Delivering team – non sweeper at the backboards and sweeper at the tee-line.

7. Only one person in the house. Opposition skip (not together with vice skip) should stand behind the hack until the delivering team has completed play. Only the delivery team skip or vice skip should be in the house – not both together.

8. One sweeper at a time. No relay. The person in charge of the house may not sweep.

9. No sweeping of an opposition stone behind the tee-line and no sweeping of any stone (of any colour) that has been put in motion by the delivered stone.

10. Follow local regulations and those specific to the Kockescheuer ice arena;

a) Face masks must always be worn within the facility except when on the ice

b) Hands must be disinfected before touching any of the equipment

c) Social distancing must be maintained on and off the ice (even if there are no markings)

d) Limit time in the arena – Arrive at the arena shortly before training time and leave immediately after the session is finished

e) Only players are allowed in the ice arena. No family or spectators

f) No water will be available. All players should bring their own water bottles. Food should not be brought into the arena.

(image via Curling Canada – Return To Play Guidelines )