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International Activities 2016-2017

While most of us our still enjoying summer vacation the action on the ice has already commenced.  

The Luxembourg team of Marc Hansen, Yannick Hansen, Ian Munn and guest attended the Zoetemeer tournament.  The tournament was full of top level international teams, with Lux placing 14th.

Fabio and Francesco attended the WCF Adult training camp in Prague .  Can’t wait to see what new techniques and training ideas they will bring back!

Marc has indicated that he will be attending several international tournaments this year in preparation for the ECC C.  He will share which ones , so if there are other Lux teams which would like to attend and make the Lux presence even larger we can coordinate.

Looking forward to seeing everyone, on and off the ice, for another successful Luxembourg curling season.



Dear Members AGM 2016!!!

Dear members,

The committee of the CCHL has the pleasure to invite you to attend next AGM on June 1st at 19h00 at Café Zeutzius at Luxembourg-Cents as per attached Agenda.


Apetizers & drinks will be offered by the club during the AGM.


A common dinner at own expense is organized after the AGM, kindly confirm your attendance to that dinner.


PS : As we  have a lot of resignations at actual committee it is very important to show your interest and become a candidature for next season’s committee.

       No curling without a new committee !!


Please confirm your attendance to the AGM.


With best personal regards / Marc


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