Luxembourg beats Serbia 12-0 – Curling Luxembourg

Luxembourg beats Serbia 12-0

Wednesday evening!

​Luxembourg – Roumania 4 – 12
luxembourg plays a good match, but the Romanians made a perfect match, missing nearly no stone. the consequence was a clear defeat from the lux national team.

Thursday morning!

​Luxembourg – Serbia 12 – 0
The best ever played match of Jörg Moeser, Yves Sieradzki, Claude Schweitzer and Alex Benoy.
The Serbians, leading team after 4 rounds, had got no chance to make a point, as the lux nati team did not permit them to enter the house. They have put a “Chinese Wall” in front of the house at every end…
The logical conclusion was a SENSATIONNAL WIN of 12 – 0!!!

Luxembourg is now on the 5th place with 2 victories out of 5 matches.

Thursday evening 20.00: 6th match against Wales, leading team after 5 rounds!
​Friday morning 13.00: 7th match against BLR…….